“’Forget’ the methods, get the atmosphere right.”
John Chris Jones
Foster the development of the attitudes and approaches that
underpin a successful designer’s work
Focus on getting students to regard themselves as enterprising
“trainee designers,” not dependent students
Help students develop a “designerly” way of thinking,
working, and presenting all of their work – interim to final
Emphasize the development of comprehensive, non-formulaic
thinking, precision, and craft
Rely up extensive research -- including literature survey,
observation, interviewing, and prototyping – as the basis for design and
Use writing as a “thinking tool” throughout the design
Wherever possible develop physical models that embody the
essence of the interaction with an object, experience, or service
Hold students accountable for their design decisions and the
broader implications of their work
Require students individually to develop a comprehensive set
of skills, but also to work in collaborative and participatory settings
Incorporate technology, as appropriate, in the design
process, but do not make it the generative force
Encourage students to develop an “Edward Tufte-like”
minimalist aesthetic that emphasizes the role of meaning and perception
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